本公司生产的旋转类室内消火栓产品均符合 GB3445-2018(室内消火栓)标准规定的性能要求。
室内消火栓是室内管网向火场供水的设施,是机关、学校、工厂、仓库、高层建筑、公共场所及船舶等消防供水的设备。通畅安装在消火栓箱内,与消防水带、水枪接口等器材配套使用。当有火警时,迅速打开消火栓箱,取出水带、水枪,将水带一端接在消火栓的消防接口上,另一端与水枪连接,随即把消火栓手轮按逆时针方向旋转打开,即能喷水灭火。旋转类室内消火栓与普通消火栓具有相同的功能和作用,同时栓体可相对于与进水管路相连接的底座做 360“旋转,可实现最佳出水口角度,减少水阻,便于使用。
The company production of indoor fire hydrant the rotation of the products are accord with GB3445-2018 (indoor fire hydrant) performance requirements of the standard.
Indoor fire hydrant is indoor network will supply water to the fire facilities, is the state organs, schools, factories, warehouses, high-rise buildings, public places, and the ship fire water supply equipment, etc. Unobstructed installed in fire hydrant box, fire hose and nozzle interface equipment supporting the use. When a fire alarm, quickly open the fire hydrant box, take out the hose, nozzle,
the hose end on fire hydrant fire control interface, the other end connected to the nozzle, then open the fire hydrant handwheel by counterclockwise, namely can sprinkler. Rotary type of indoor fire hydrant with ordinary fire hydrant has the same function and role, and at the same time, the plug body can relative to the connected to suction culvert base do 360 "rotation, which can realize the best outlet Angle, reduce water resistance, easy to use.